Turning Your Dream College to Realities!
Highly effective, online educational services for K-12th grade students all over the world.
Courses specialized for a variety of school subjects and exams.
EasyThru Online
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EasyThru Online delivers online courses designed by EasyThru Learning. EasyThru Learning is a prominentand respected tutoring company in the San Francisco Bay Area for the last eight years. EasyThru Learning has helped many students to receive high scores in SAT and AP tests.
At EasyThru Online, we provide highly effective and personalized online educational services for K-12thgrade students. Teachers will monitor each student's progress and adjust course material to help focus on the student's needs. Our goal is to help students obtain skills and gain the experience needed to achieve their academic goals.
To hear more of these success stories or get a free consultation, contact us today!
易通在线成立于2019年。 所有的课程由易通教育设计提供。 易通教育成立于2011年, 是享誉旧金山湾区的一家6-12年级的全科辅导机构。 易通在线为全球的中小学生提供高效的, 各类在线课程。
易通在线的主要特点是, 为每一位学生提供可个性化的教学模式。 每一位学生都有一位具有丰富教学经验的老师为学生提供辅导和监督。 根据每个学生的学习情况和自身的学习能力, 实时的调整学习进度和难度。
易通在线的主要目标是为世界各地有学习意愿的孩子提供一个自我提升的平台, 帮助孩子通过学习实现他们的梦想。
易通教育再过往的十年中, 有非常多的成功案例。 希望近一步, 通过易通在线的平台为世界每个孩子提供平等的教育资源。 如果想更多了解关于易通在线和易通教育的成功经验, 请联系我们。
